12th Rock

Throw Like Youri Clinic

Welcome to the first Throw Like Youri Hammer Clinic at 12thRock Middletown, NY

Carl Shields
Carl has been providing information on www.throwlikeyouri.com in the form of multiple
videos and documents. It’s time to provide those who would like to throw like Youri or just learn how Youri threw his world record tosses with his 3-turns technique an in-person experience to train with Carl and John have them demystify what Youri did.

In addition to the website, Carl wrote two books about Youri’s technique. Youri approved of both books. Youri said that the one on technique is the best he had ever read because of the extensive use of pictures from Youri’s many videos.

After many hours of zoom meetings between Youri and Carl, Carl began to work with Youri on throwing like Youri to feel the hammer ball. Youri was excited that Carl wanted to throw with 3 turns and not 4 turns that is common today.

As Youri explained, 3-turns has a greater challenge to make the transition from the winds to the turns. It was why he began to teach 4-turns in his clinics.

John Dwyer

John is a student of Youri’s technique, starting later in life to throw the hammer. John
found answers to questions about Youri’s technique with the help of the website
T hrowLikeYouri . John joined his Irish teammates and earned silver in the hammer and
bronze in the weight throw in 2023’s World Championships in Torun Poland.

Theory and Hands-on
John and Carl will give you both theory and practical elements of Youri’s technique with
hands-on learning to feel the hammer like Youri. One of the major factors for Youri was
speed, moving the ball “speedily.” We will help you understand why Youri said his
technique was “as easy as walking” and there was “no footwork.